# Setting Up GetCandy For Local Development

# Overview

This guide is here to help you set-up GetCandy locally so you can contribute to the core and admin hub.

# Before your start

You will need a Laravel application to run GetCandy in. You can either use a fresh install of Laravel (opens new window) or the GetCandy demo store (opens new window).

# Set-Up

In the root folder of your Laravel application, create a "packages" folder.

mkdir packages && cd packages

Add the "packages" folder to your .gitignore file so the folder is not committed to your Git repository.


Fork and then clone the monorepo (opens new window) to the packages folder, e.g. /packages/getcandy/.

git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/getcandy

Update your composer.json file similar to the following. Note we are targeting getcandy/getcandy and not getcandy/admin.

    "repositories": [{
        "type": "path",
        "url": "packages/*",
        "symlink": true

    "require": {
        "getcandy/getcandy": "dev-main",

Run composer update from your Laravel application's root directory and fingers crossed you're all up and running,.

composer update

# Done

You can now follow the GetCandy installation process and start contributing.